If you're logged in:

1. Hold down the Windows key (key with the Windows logo, usually bottom left somewhere) and press 'R' to bring up a 'Run' prompt. Within the prompt, type "cmd" without the quotes then press Enter.

2. You should now see a Command Prompt window. Type “hostname” without the quotes into the Command Prompt window and press Enter. The name of your computer will be displayed beneath the line where you typed the command. Below, the computer name is 'ENGR-COMPNAME'

If you're not logged in:

Just want to know what the computer name is without having to log in? It’s easy!

1. In the username field, type .\ (the slash is the back slash, commonly found above the enter key, or somewhere near there).

2. Once you’ve typed that, without doing anything else (don’t hit enter or anything), the local computer name is shown beneath the entry fields, after “Log on to:” or “Sign in to:”

The computer name in the examples below is ENGR-MYCOMP